Adobe Solution Partner
DocuCentric provides a variety of services to meet all your business process automation and electronic documentation needs. Our experienced staff specializes in Adobe LiveCycle integration with your existing systems such as ECMs, ERP, databases, and web services. We have many years of experience with Adobe FrameMaker/FrameServer XML/SGML application development. Both LiveCycle and FrameServer services include installation, configuration, and all phases of development from consulting and support roles to turnkey solutions.
LiveCycle Integration
We utilize our unique methodology to assess, scope, and specify requirements for each solution. We especially experienced with LC Forms Server, Reader Extensions Server, Policy Server, Central Pro Output Server, PDF Generator Server, 2D-BarCode, and the Workflow Server. We can provide reference customers for each of these products and services.
LiveCycle Solutions 
Petro-Chemicals - Workflow Server to automate capital requests and plant maintenance processes.
Transportation, International Shipping Inspection and Certification - Form Server, Reader Extensions to automate shipping inspection and certification processes.
Hospital and Clinical Health Care - Reader Extensions Server to automate consent and admitting process.
FDA/ISO Auditors and Inspectors - Reader Extensions Server to automate medical equipment inspection certification process.
Global provider of medical, nutraceutical, consumer and raw material products - Reader Extensions Server to automate medical/drug certification process.
Medial History Provider - Reader Extensions Server to automate flash based medical record gathering.
Hospital and Clinical Health Care - Central Pro Output Server, Reader Extensions Server to automate medical records printing and input gathering process.
K-12 Education - Workflow Server to automate requisitions, POs, and invoicing process.
Major Restaurant Service Provider - Workflow Server, 2D Barcode, Reader Extensions Server to automate management of fax and xml data record keeping.
Financial Services - Reader Extensions Server for automating contract services process.
Nuclear Power Plant - PDF Generator for automating PDF creation for multiple plant functions.
Health/Life Insurance - Reader Extensions Server to automate-claim filing process.
Home Building Products - PDF Generator to automate supply chain inventory process.
Air Transportation - PDF Library Server for automated remote printing of maintenance information process.
ElementCounter - Examines an XML instance and returns the total count of
a named element.
GetXMLContent - Used in tandem with ElementCounter, returns the content
of a named element by index, i.e. the 4th "barcode" element.
PrintValve - Writes a text file containing commands to an input directory read by an external custom application, which then prints a named document to a target printer according to the command file.
GetCurrentDateTime - Returns a string representing the current date and
time. Used a QPAC to easily generate several different strings for different database formats and different uses in the workflows.
GetFileName - Returns the name of the first file with a given extension
in a given directory.
MatchBarcodeSources - A customer-specific QPAC that monitors the
existence and filenames of PDF files related to a specified barcode.
MoveFile - Moves a named file between folders on the file system.
ParseElectronicLog - A customer-specific QPAC reads an XML instance,
transforming the data into database entries, storing the results into multiple database tables. It returns a comma-delimited list of the key identifier for each record found in the XML instance.
ExtractFromList - Extracts a value from a comma-delimited list,
returning the remainder of the list and the extracted value.
WriteBinaryFile - Stores binary content from a process variable into a
disk file. Currently used to store PDF files that are read into a process
variable by the Barcode Decoder
WriteStringFile - Stores string content from a process variable into a
disk file.
DateDiff - Used to determine the number of days between an origin date
and the current date.
ArrayHandler - Manages basic functionality related to arrays.
- Array, a very long string variable, contains a delimited string
- Delimiter, the string that is used to separate individual values in the
Array string
- Value, string variable for inserting, removing, or finding a value
- Index, the integer index of the array to be used in the chosen operation
- Operation, string value determining the operation to be performed: "R"
remove item by Value or Index (return the removed item as ReturnString), "I"
insert at Index, "L" just return Length, "F" find value (return found index
as ReturnInteger)
- Array, the resulting delimited string
- ReturnString - the string value returned by the chosen operation
- ReturnInteger - the integer value returned by the chose operation
- Length, the number of objects in the resulting array
SQL Extender - extends the functionality of the out-of-the-box Sequel QPAC
XML Util - multifunction QPAC utility primarily for XML conversion
StickofDoom - iterative and interactive mysql cleanup utility
Trigger - initiates LC processes from existing/other APIs
FrameServer Integration
Our programming staff specializes in extending the functionality of Adobe's FrameServer. We create XML/SGML applications, generalized
plug-ins, run-time filters, and standalone applications that many users will find useful, as well as customer-specific applications to fit into proprietary systems. We can provide reference customers for each of these products and services.
FrameServer Applications
Multiple Major Airline - Maintenance and Engineering FrameServer XML/SGML applications for Boeing 727, 737, 757, 767, 777, and Airbus A300 aircraft. These include AMM, SRM, IPC, WDM, CMM, EPM, GPM, ECO, EO, FCD, Fueling, and TaskCards.
See American Airlines whitepaper
Multiple Major Manufacturing - XML/SGML applications for user guides, technical specifications, and user training course materials. Resultant XML/SGML data was delivered to third paties for language localization.
Major Defense Contractor - XML/SGML applications for training course materials and specialty api's,
plug-ins for multiple format outputs.
TattleTale - TattleTale examines and validates the SGML element structure of a document in FrameMaker, recording all errors in a user-specified log file. For each structure error, TattleTale reports the element containing the error, its parent element and its first child element, as well as the page number and flow containing the invalid structure. A user can examine the easy-to-read log file and quickly see where the error is and how to correct it. This can be done with a single file or
with the all documents in a user-specified folder. It can also alert the user with dialog boxes in FrameMaker, going through the document step-by-step, visually pointing out each error. TattleTale can also be integrated into DocuWatch, to monitor the "Save" and "Save As" functions to prevent a user from saving a document with invalid SGML/XML.
QuickMap - With a quick click on the menu, the entire SGML/XML structure of a document can be quickly mapped to a file for reading and printing outside of FrameMaker. QuickMap gives you the ability to make a hardcopy of the element structure in a document, a feature missing in FrameMaker's Structure View. It can also print a log containing only the name of every element in the document and the number of times it appears. Either function can be done with a single file or with the all documents in a user-specified folder. This can be useful for SGML/XML examples, and is a quick and easy way to get a full structure map without using screen captures a page at a time.
RevMarker - When working with native SGML/XML files, FrameMaker's native support for change bars is negated by the fact that it sees the entire content of an opened SGML/XML file as new data imported into a template. DocuCentric has developed a plug-in that can be quickly customized to recognize certain SGML/XML element tags in the data, and automatically reset the change bars in an opened SGML/XML document to reflect only the portions that are marked with those element tags.
PieceMaker/Splitter/DocuCrack - DocuCentric has developed several tools for managing third-party SGML data. These applications are usually standalone, command-line programs, but work closely together with our FrameMaker structured authoring environments. PieceMaker is the foundation of these environments, splitting large distribution files into useable segments and recombining them flawlessly based on the structure of each individual project. When a document of several thousand pages needs to be distributed to authors who need to work with one section at a time, PieceMaker allows that flexibility while maintaining the ability of reproducing a single instance of the data for distribution to data handlers and publishing environments.
DocuFilter and DataMorph - DocuFilter is a client-side solution to managing compatibility between proprietary SGML data and more portable SGML/XML formats for use in FrameMaker's environment. DataMorph was created to fill a specific customer's demand for an SGML authoring environment using SGML data from a third-party proprietary database. The issue was that the actual structure of the SGML was not related to the manner in which it was displayed using the third-party distribution tool. FrameMaker could handle much of this natively, but a large portion of the SGML did not appear the way the users were accustomed to seeing it. To provide a standard display method, DataMorph was developed as a real-time translator between the "language" of the structure that was used in the third-party tool, and a custom structure that allowed FrameMaker to display the data in a manner that visually matched what the users expected. DataMorph was then integrated into DocuFilter to provide all of this functionality transparently to the user. This technology was re-used for several SGML applications for the client, and the same methods could be used to resolve similar situations with SGML transformations for other clients inside of FrameMaker or as a stand-alone server-side application.
DocuWatch - DocuWatch was created to prevent publishing problems created by introducing invalid structure into an automated publishing environment. Instead of relying on back-end services to correct or ignore errors or incomplete structure left behind at the end of the work-day, DocuWatch stops the issue before it starts. When enabled, DocuWatch can prevent an author from saving an invalid SGML or XML document into a database or content management system. Integrating TattleTale into this system allows DocuWatch to alert the user to the specific errors in the data for quick validation. The end result is a stable database able to go through the workflow and publishing system without error. DocuWatch also extends the functionality of FrameMaker's built-in structure validation tools to include customer specific needs. Customizations to TattleTale and DocuWatch can be made for application-specific use to go beyond structure validation to the point of validating attribute conventions. Example: Attribute "ID" must contain a 4-digit
number, or "DOMAIN" must begin with "A", "B", or "C". This helps to ensure that not only is the structure valid, but that the content of "intelligent data" maintains integrity and continuity.
Data Conversion - DocuCentric is able to transfer data across platforms and products using either SGML or a variety of data filters. These filters can be used to transfer documents from outdated software into a new database or software package, allowing your company to keep their vital information intact without long and tedious paper steps.